Tuesday 17 November 2015

Phase 3: The Residence

PRECEDENT: Is the precedent architecture accurately modeled? 

I chose Rufer Haus by Adolf Loos because of the simplistic exterior encasing a complex series of levels. The spaces themselves I felt are adequate for a small family once I finished modelling it and thus when cut/chopped and molded among the pavilion, it made sense to build and morph this building.

MODIFIED PRECEDENTS: Are the three modified precedents distinctive?

I made the pavilion the centre of attention for this project, which is where the homeless people would use the spaces as well as because the pavilion's central pathway is open to the general public. Therefore when modifying the precedents, I opted for extreme scenarios of gouging out the shape of the pavilion into the building and wrapping/continuing these forms throughout the design. This can be seen as I've incorporated not one, but two Rufer Haus's in different modifications that create a relationship not only within themselves (residence), but to continue that roundness of the pavilion as well. 

This design started from simple chopping in half to rounder and more complex gouging negative forms.

Eventually I sketched out a couple of designs that I thought worked with the site and built on wards from here:

REFLECTING SITE CONDITIONS: Do the three modified precedents reflect the new site conditions?
MODIFIED PAVILION: Has the Pavilion been well modified with respect to the siting and geometric impact of the Residence?

01 - Realistic Rendering

02 - Conceptual Rendering

03 - Overhead / Site View

04 - Closeup detail perspective from balcony

05 - East Perspective

06 - Concrete material closeup

07 - Indoor / outdoor transparency between ground floor of residence and pavilion

OFFICIAL FIVE STILLS (Screen captures and editing)

01 - Overhead / Site View

02 - East Perspective

03 - Interior Perspective - Homeless Lockers

04 - Central Pathway Perspective

05 - Interior Perspective - waiting room

3 MINUTE FILM: Does the 3 minute short film, represent, or extend the scheme well?

My 3 minute video consists of a conceptual render of the final design. The Residence itself is opaque in the film and is only used as a reference for the physical space. Therefore realistic materials is only shown for the pavilion but the breathing effect of the pathway is used to emphasize disruption in Terminal Line Theory. 

5062610_EmilyLeung_Phase3_CODE1240 from z5062610 on Vimeo

5062610_EmilyLeung_Phase3_CODE1240 from z5062610 on Vimeo.

Phase 3 Assignment: The Residence

Inclusive of Phase 1 + 2: The Site + The Pavilion

Created in 3dsMax, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper + Unreal Engine 4

Music by Mattia Cupelli 2015


Sunday 13 September 2015

Terminal Line Theory | Emergence | Mobility

Terminal Line Theory

Terminal line is phrase used to describe "a curving line that coincides with a temporary loss of smoothness in an undulating surface." With this definition in mind, I wanted to make use of this relationship with the use of public and private spaces and make it succinctly clear that there is a disruption in a smooth shape. These series of screenshots are a collection of unique forms focusing on the heavy use of the Kangaroo Plugin in Grasshopper. This freeform shape defined by curves mould a smooth structure, however, within the centre is the distinct divide of the continuous smoothness of the form, paving way for a public route from one end of the side to the other.

GH file: 

RHINO file: 

Iteration #1

Iteration #2

Iteration #3

Unreal Engine

Composite Image

Updated Composite Image


I've understood 'emergence' as a system that adapts to its changing form which effectively presents itself as a whole. By adjusting the graph mappers, the lofted surface produces an altered form that is still read as one entity. Realistically, this form requires a structure to support it, which is where Lunchbox came into play and the purpose would ultimately provide both shelter and the ability to collect water for showering.

GH file:

RHINO file:

Iteration #1

Iteration #2

Iteration #3

Unreal Engine

Composite Image

Updated Composite Image


Mobility can be defined with the help of morphogensis, in that it has a "biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape." In relation to this definition, I understood this concept as one that a specimen would begin or have a common start, but has the ability to develop into a completely different (or yet quite similar) creature/object depending on the circumstances. Here in this case, I present to you a collection of one model in 3 different scenarios, where the only factor that separates them is the way in which the graph's definition is shown. As a result, each version would yield a different purpose.

GH file:
RHINO file:

Iteration #1

Iteration #2

Iteration #3

Unreal Engine

Composite Image